if inside

There's a shorthand syntax for the common scenario of using if and inside together: if inside.

if $x { inside $x { ... } } can be written simply as if inside $x { ... }.

func getNames {
    need $first: Str, $last: Str
    firstName -> $first
    lastName  -> $last

# this will work. it will say "Hello, Sam Smith!"
if inside getNames("Sam", "Smith") {
    $name = .firstName + " " + .lastName
    say("Hello, $name!")

# this will do nothing because the second argument is wrong type,
# causing the function to fail and the if conditional to be untrue
if inside getNames("Sam", 0) {
    $name = .firstName + " " + .lastName
    say("Hello, $name!")
else {
    say("This will be reached")

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