Computed properties

Computed properties are like methods which accept no arguments and usually return a single value which is evaluated at the time the property is accessed.

class Person

init {
    need @name: Str, @age: Num

.approxBirthYear {
    -> - @age

They're accessed just the same as any property.

$p = Person("Mitchell", 21)
$p.approxBirthYear      # 1997

Suffixing the property name with a question mark ? indicates that, once evaluated the first time, we should store it semi-permanently. This is called a once-computed property.

.approxBirthYear? {
    -> - @age

If we accessed that approxBirthYear property, changed the Person's age, and accessed approxBirthYear again, it would then be incorrect. That's because the value will only be evaluated once when ? is present.

Next: Function and method shorthand