Inheritance continued

Sorry I keep fibbing to you. I just want to explain things in a way that is maybe familiar, only to then confuse you on the pages following.

The truth is that there's nothing special about an object inheriting from a class. Objects in Ferret can inherit from any other objects, and classes are no more than a syntactical convenience for Ferret's underlying ISA object inheritance system.

When you create a class and define properties and methods on it, they're added to its proto property. It's just a regular object which the instances of the class inherit from directly.

Recall what the normal way looks like.

class Person

method haveBirthday {
    oldAge -> @age
    newAge -> @age += 1

Then take a look at this demonstration of a method definition without using any class specific syntax. But never do this. It's hideous.

Person.proto.haveBirthday = func {
    oldAge -> *self.age
    newAge -> *self.age += 1

Next: Inheritance continued